Maintainanance and Utilization of Infrastructure

  • The physical facilities including Laboratories, Classrooms and Computers etc. are made available for the students those who are admitted in the college. The students seek admission to desired courses including a laboratory curriculum , funds are allocated for the maintenance of the laboratories and the classrooms which a part of the teaching and the learning processes. The classrooms boards and furniture facilities are utilized regularly by the . The maintenance and the cleaning of the classrooms and the laboratories are done with the efforts of the non-teaching staff . The college garden is maintained by the gardener appointed by the institute. The college has adequate number of the computers with internet connections and the utility software’s distributed in different locales like office, laboratories, library, departments etc. All the stakeholders have equal opportunity to use those facilities as per the rules and the policies of the institution. The central computer laboratory connected in LAN is open for the students as time permits them, the office computers which are also connected through the LAN is consisting of the office software making work easier and systematic are restricted their use only to the appointed office staff. The library is also provided LAN facility for the computers and they are loaded with the library software. The departments and the staff can make use of the computer system with internet at their seating places in addition that majority of the staff has their own laptops and the internet providing instruments, all those computer related facilities are given a contract of their maintenance annually . The college website has maintained regularly by AMC Adnest , Pune . The maintenance of UPS and the Generator is regularly done by AMC with the help local skilled persons and the expenditure is done from budget for the same. The academic support facilities like library and the other platforms supporting overall development o the students is open not only to the college students but also to all the stakeholder in the surrounding with prior permission of the authority. Accession to library is permitted by issuing lbrary cards to students and staff.. A provision of the budget for the library maintenance is made by the college management. The activities like fumigation and keeping library clean is done frequently by library staff.

Computer Lab

  • The Computer lab is available to the students as per their curriculum requirement of SPPU and college timetables.The maintenance of computer lab is done by lab In-charge and the system analyst looks after the repairs and maintenance of all computers. All obsolete computers are disposed. Supplementary supplies, if required are put forth in meetings of Governing body.


  • The book list requirement is received from the librarian as per the curriculum and AICTE rules. The students are provided with an Identity card to access the library. Each student is allowed to take 2 books for the period of 7 days. Each faculty borrows 10 books for each semester. If student fails to return the book in time, fine has to be paid by the student. All the functions of library i.e. book borrowing and lending etc. are monitored by fully automated library software. Students can utilize the library daily on all working hours as per their timetable . Library reading room is open during college timing. Every student can access online journals and magazines through Digital library. Periodically, conditions of all the library books are monitored and old books are maintained by binding the books if needed. During annual maintenance if any books are found missing through students / faculty they are fined as per the cost of book.

Utilization and Maintenance of Class Rooms

  • Classrooms and Tutorial Rooms are available as per requirement of AICTE. Classrooms are allotted as per the student strength. Faculty Incharge, informs the maintenance committee regarding maintenance and requirement of repairs / cleanliness.