Members Name Phone No
Head of Institution (Director) Dr. Sunil S. Dhanawade +91 9763321818
Representative of Civil Administration Mr. Arvind Jagtap
(Fire Officer:PCMC)
+91 9922501365
Representative of Police Administration Mr. Vijay Sawant +91 7264242067
Representative of Local Media Mr. Subodh Galande
(News Reporter- Sakal )
+91 9850534847
Representative of NGO(Youth Activities) Mr. Prashant Mehta
(Secretary: Rotary Club)
+91 9371100099
Representative of Faculty Members Prof. Kavita Chavan +91 9028369095
Representative of Parents Mr. Shivaji Ganpat Date +91 8412830863
Representative of Students (First Year) Mr. Prasad Shivaji Date +91 7499378050
Representative of Students (Senior Students) Mr. Bhupesh Gajbhiye +91 8459176208
Representative of Non-Teaching Staff Mr. Dhananjay Patil
(Administration Officer)
+91 9545556950