Prepare to lead as we shape you to take the real world head-on out there. We build a strong academic knowledge base and a steep professional know-how.


Your enthusiasm and commitment will have the right kind of honing into an amazing skills set. On-campus training to help you grow into full-fledged professionals.


From campus accommodation to full library to innovative academic aids, we help you with complete facilitation once onboard.


National level seminar – “Impact Of Goods And Service Tax On Small And Medium Enterprises” on 23 rd and 24 th Feb 2018. Read Dr. D. Y. Patil MBA College Event


Shikshan Maharshi Dr. D. Y. Patil Shikshan Santha’s was established in 1995.It runs under the presidentship of Abhay B.Kotkar Patil under the guidance of Padmashri Dr D.Y Patil former governer of Tripura,Bihar and West Bengal and well known educationalmost and sdsd from Kolhapur ,Maharashtra. Dr.D.Y. Patil is leading group in India imparting compresire education.The D.Y. Group is having 35 years of experience in education with 200 institutes accross India and 4 in Maharashtra. Dr.D.Y. Patil group have almost 200000+ most brilliant students & 500000 Alumni accross the world.It offers 1000 courses and programs.
Courses of SM DYPSS are designed to equip students with skills to meet the challenges and opportunities of the corporate world.Our value based learning model provides transformational experience that fusters prefessional,Intellectual and personal development.

Events & Programs

Entrepreneurship Activity- Idea Generation Workshop by Prof.(Dr).Madhilika Gupta. On 07th Oct,2023.

Freshers Day & Farewell Party. On 30th Sept, 2023.

Guest Lecture by Industry Expert - Business Sustainability by Abhishek Kulkarni On 23rd Sept,2023.

Workshop on aspects of Psychology by Ms. Esha Rakhi On 20th Sept,2023.

Preplacement Activities(Group Discussions), On 15th Sept,2023.

Outbound Activity to Durga Tekdi -Youth Engagement, On 09th Sept, 2023.

MBA Syllabus Orientation (Briefing PO’s, PSOs, CO’s, examinations, Academic Calendar , etc) Prof.(Dr.) Madhulika Gupta 26th August, 2023.

Winning your fear Chatter Monkey Theory by Dr Jahanaara Pathan, On 26th Aug,2023.

Emotional Intelligence by Mr. Mayur Pangrekar, On 23rd Aug, 2023.

Multi-Intelligence Enhancement For Career Development by Ms. Padmini Panse , Corporate Trainer on 23rd August, 2023.

Sri Rama`s Life- A lesson on Inner Management by Commander Girish Kondkar, On 22nd Aug, 2023.

Activity under capacity building and Skill enhancement-Winning your fear by Ms.Nameeta Wagle on 21st August, 2023.

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Alumni Testimonials

It’s a great College having good infrastructure and atmosphere. Good Faculties and a great Environment of DYPCMR  helped a lot in completing my MBA. DYPCMR  provided me the platforms develop different facets of my personality that have made me a more competitive and balanced individual. Thanks to Dr.D.Y.Patil Centre For Management and Research Chikhali,Pune …..
Ashish Razdan, Manager-Business Development- MH & Goa Company: Crown Worldwide Pvt. Ltd., Pune

Ashish Razdan

With DYPCMR and the memorable 2 years in our hearts, we have begin upon a journey filled with exciting new challenges. DYPCMR was a nice platform to enjoy along with the studies. I miss those days. It gave nice opportunity by giving good training courses during pre-placement. We are very grateful to the institute for attaining the roles of a mentor, a friend, a home and a positive force that keeps on propelling us towards success……
Haider Alam, Managing Director SEIMITSU Factory Automation Pvt Ltd.

Haider Alam

“DYPCMR” is a temple which laid foundation to my career and also my personality . Those 2 years were the best Years of my life .The placement cell is very good and is doing fantastic job. The colleg e fest was the best here. Faculties here are motivating, something that’s really appreciable. DYPCMR changed my life in positive Sense……”
Navnath Khalekar, Assistant Manager – Technical Emerson, Pune

Navnath Khalekar

Throughout my two years of MBA at DYPCMR , I had countless opportunities to develop analytical skills, leadership and proactive thinking through various programs and events. These attributes were the key reasons because of which I was successfully placed as Assistant Manager Finance Big thanks to all my faculty and friends for the amazing journey at DYPCMR.
Pradip Chavan, Assistant Manager Finance Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited

Pradip Chavan

I feel proud that I was one of the students of MBA@DYPCMR. The Institute has made me gain knowledge and solid experience o issues like business, ethics, and personality and professionalism. My doubts and queries were always welcomed by the lecturers and sometimes lead to healthy discussion which motivated me to develop curiosity and in-depth thinking. thanks to DYPCMR
Ganesh Pardesi, Executive @- Mercedez Benz India

Ganesh Pardesi

There are lots of MBA colleges in Pune, but MBA at DYPCMR stands out with its distinguished uniqueness. It is a perfect platform to polish one’s skills and calibre and also nurture their talents.
We have the best faculty team who provide a 360 degree support to the students, any time possible. I am always proud to say that I am an alumnus of MBA at DYPCMR.

Prakash Mahato

DYPCMR is one of the best institutions for MBA in Pune. One can always see the team of committed faculty striving hard in excelling the students in all dimensions. It is because of the excellent placement team, that I got placed in one of the reputed financial services company.
Amrita Soni, Asst. Mgr, Corporate Finance Crowne Plaza

Amrita Soni