Name of the courses to which application is sought * —Please choose an option—MBA IMBA II
Specification *
Applicant's Surname *
First Name *
Father's Name *
Mother's Name *
Husband Name
Nationality *
State of Domicile *
Gender * —Please choose an option—MaleFemale
Date of Birth *
Blood Group —Please choose an option—A+B+AB+A-B-AB-O+O-
Physical Handicap —Please choose an option—YesNo
Place of Birth *
Present Address * Present Address
Permanent Address *
Bank Name
Bank IFSC Code
Bank Account Number
Mobile Number
Whataap Number
Admission Quota—Please choose an option—Institute Level QuotaCap QuotaAgainst Cap Quota
Email Id *
Adhaar Card
Pan Card
CET Registration No.
CET Marks
CET Percentile
CET Rank
CAT (IIMS) Registration No.
CAT Marks
CAT Percentile
CAT Rank
MAT (AIMA) Registration No .
MAT Marks
MAT Percentile
MAT Rank
ATMA (AIMS) Registration No
ATMA Marks
ATMA Percentile
XAT (XLRI) Registration No
XAT Marks
XAT Percentile
XAT Rank
Passed Degree Exam from a college located in Maharashtra —Please choose an option—YesNo
Passed Master Degree Exam from a college located in Maharashtra —Please choose an option—YesNo
Name of Origination & Location
Nature of Business
From Date
To Date
Application Id
Cap Round No.
Admission Date
Joining Date
Category —Please choose an option—OpenSCSTDT(A)NT(B)NT(C)NT(D)OBCSBCDT(B)DT(C)VJPWD
Minority —Please choose an option—YesNo